  • To protect the rights of all participants, all information provided must be accurate and truthful. Any misrepresentation may result in legal action by the Organizers.
  • Participants found to have plagiarized will, if awarded, have their prizes revoked. Further disciplinary actions will be determined by the Organizers based on the severity. Participants found to have plagiarized for two years in a row will be permanently banned from the competition and any awarded prizes will be revoked.
  • To ensure fairness, any work found to involve plagiarism, falsified research, infringement of intellectual property rights, or violation of any other relevant laws or regulations will be disqualified and the participant will be held legally responsible.
  • To protect the rights of all participants, no school logos, uniforms, or other items that identify the school should appear in any Research Results (e.g., videos, works). If such items are found, the team will be penalized 2 points.
  • 5. If a submitted work is found to be plagiarized from another's research or is a duplicate submission of a previously awarded work, and an Appeal Letter is filed by a third party within 7 days of the results announcement, along with evidence and an Appeal Letter form, the Appeal will be processed according to the following procedure.
  • All information provided by the instructors during registration (including contact information) must be accurate. The Organizers will not resend any materials due to errors in the provided information.
  • In accordance with the Ministry of Education’s instructions, teams that advance to the final presentation will receive an official document that can be used to request one day of Official leave from their school.
  • During the research process, participants are prohibited from using highly toxic, explosive, radioactive, carcinogenic, mutagenic, or narcotic substances.
  • In accordance with the withholding tax rate standards, winners whose prizes or awards exceed NT$1,000 must provide proof of identity and a copy of their National ID card. Failure to submit the required documents within the specified timeframe will result in forfeiture of the prize.
  • Except for winners in each division, the Organizers will not provide certificates, participation certificates, or other proof of participation.
  • For public voters who download works through the online poll event, if they wish to use the downloaded materials for other purposes, they must do so under a Creative Commons 4.0 license and indicate the original author and source.
  • Prizes and awards will only be shipped to addresses within Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu. The Organizers will not ship prizes to overseas addresses.
  • Privacy Statement: All information provided when participating in this competition will only be used for competition-related announcements and notifications, press releases, prize distribution, and promotional activities by the Ministry of Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University, National Center for High-Performance Computing, Kaohsiung City Government Education Bureau, National Museum of Natural Science, National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, National Museum of Marine Science and Technology, National Taiwan Science Education Center and National Education Radio.
  • Works will be stored on the National Center for High-Performance Computing data platform for backup and utilization to promote the public interest.
  • All competition regulations are subject to the official website. In case of any disputes, the official written statement of the Organizing Committee shall prevail.
  • Winners who fail to provide the required receipts and bank account information after two email notifications will forfeit their prize.
  • The 2024 “Science Exploration Competition "To Do, To Understand" Organizers can be reached at
  • The Organizers reserve the right to modify the schedule and relevant information at any time. Participants should check the website for updates.
2025 Science Exploration Fair: "To Do, To Understand"
E-mail: "To Do, To Understand" Organizing Committee
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